Magento 2.4.6 Release

What’s New in Magento 2.4.6 Release – Key Highlights and Features

Magento development is one of the most popular services with high demand in the eCommerce age. From eCommerce to CMS functionalities, custom Magento development needs are facing accelerated demand from enterprises worldwide.

On this note, it is very important to have a closer look at what’s new and exciting about the latest Magento 2.4.6 release that has hit the markets. We can look at the release from two perspectives, wherein one focuses on how developers are impacted, and the other outlines what changes enterprises can experience in the new release.

Magento Market Position

Magento Market Position

Being used by an incredible 0.6% of all websites globally, the need for Magento expertise is fairly steady and fully justified.

What’s in it for Developers?

On March 14, 2023, Adobe announced the availability of version 2.4.6 for Magento developers worldwide. One of the most notable updates from a developer perspective in this release was the mainstream availability of the Magento Community Prioritization Process. It enables Magento developers to leverage the public voting facility to have a say on what fixes should be included in future releases.

While PHP 8.2 received added support in the new release, there is a possible concern arising from the removed support for PHP 7.4. This could leave deployments in old PHP frameworks prone to vulnerabilities if they aren’t upgraded soon.

There were mounting concerns earlier in the custom Magento development community about the rising number of legacy JavaScript libraries. The 2.4.6 release has finally brought a sigh of relief in this regard as it encompasses an upgrade to all JavaScript libraries to their latest versions.

Developers now have access to a new weapon to fortify search operations within Magento-powered websites as both on-premises and cloud versions of the latest Magento release now support OpenSearch V2.X in addition to the existing support for OpenSearch V1.X.

Also included in the release is enhanced support for Composer 2.2X, ElasticSearch 8.X, and MariaDB 10.6. Almost all significant defects or issues reported in the developer community have been addressed, and the ball is now in the developer’s court to upgrade their associated integrations and 3rd party tools to become compliant with the new release.

What’s in it for Enterprises?

While the developer community had a lot to cheer in the new release, the real excitement would be to see the actual impact the new release creates for businesses that leverage Magento 2.4.6. Given that nearly $155 billion worth of goods are sold each year via Magento-powered online stores, the new release is certainly poised to incorporate some innovative additions or features to boost business prospects.

There were 3 primary areas that received attention and fixes in Magento 2.4.6 release:

Scalability and Performance

Bulk operations were often an Achilles heel for merchants as they took too much time and computing resources. Through tweaks in query response time and enhancements in category processing, there is a significant performance improvement for bulk cart operations. It is now estimated that around 500 different, individually configurable products can be added to the cart by users – a scale never seen before.

With improved category processing, search operations have expanded their scope to enable nearly 1500 categories to be searched simultaneously, resulting in more precise results for shoppers. Simultaneous order processing limits have also been upgraded to enable nearly 1000 transactions per minute, thereby providing significant speed of operations for retailers.


With eCommerce becoming the de-facto route for most retailers, the threat landscape has also evolved in recent years, raising concerns among enterprises about protecting shopper data and interests.

With the 2.4.6 version release, Magento development initiatives now promise a more secure platform that applies the best of internal and external security checks. These strengthen security credentials in areas ranging from internal admin logins to external payment processing.

New fraud protection measures have been enabled for payment modules to minimize risks of user data leaks while integrating with 3rd party payment processing platforms.


From button labels to search filters, the Magento 2.4.6 release has brought in several accessibility updates to make the platform deliver more desirable retail experiences for all kinds of customers. The added performance boost also brings better response time for product queries, and special mentions go towards page functionalities now being fully accessible to keyboard-only navigation.

Upgrade your Magento to Latest Version!

Moving Faster into Magento Version 2.4.6 is the key

Version 2.4.6 is a significant milestone for Magento development initiatives across enterprises. As we have witnessed here, both developers and enterprises have received their due share of support and enhancements. Ultimately, the new additions in this release contribute to better usability, stability, and performance for end users, directly impacting business performance.

What enterprise leaders need to focus their attention on now is to have their Magento deployments assured of timely upgrades and optimizations. This will ensure that their online store will benefit from the new additions to the Magento platform covered above.


To achieve a seamless transition to the latest version and ensure that your business’s unique retail offerings are well integrated into the final experiences, there is a significant amount of custom Magento development needed. This is where you need a Magento partner like Ignitiv to help raise the bar for your online store. Get in touch with us to explore the most tailored Magento development services crafted for your business needs.

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